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Pumpkin or Squash Flan (Large Caramel Custard)

From Lynne Wilson

Preheat oven to 325°F


1 cup milk
6 eggs
1½ cup sugar
½ tsp. salt
1½ tsp. vanilla
½ tsp. mace or nutmeg


First caramelize the sugar. Place ⅔ cup sugar in a heavy frying pan or saucepan. Stirring constantly, melt the sugar over low heat. Continue stirring until sugar has turned light brown (caramel color). Remove from heat and quickly pour syrup into a 1½ or 2 quart shallow casserole, turning the casserole so that the bottom and sides are coated. Work quickly as the caramel hardens immediately. Set aside.

Now the custard: Scald and set aside 2 cups light cream, add beaten eggs, room temperature so eggs do not cook.

When well mixed, beat in 1½ cups peeled, cooked, and pureed pumpkin or squash Stir in hot cream and milk. Pour custard into coated casserole. Place casserole in a pan of hot water. Water should reach ⅔ of the way up the casserole holding the custard.

Bake at 325°F approximately 45 minutes until custard tests done with a knife. Remove from oven (and from pan holding water) and chill at least 3 hours. When ready to serve, run knife around edge and carefully turn upside down on serving dish.